Welcome to St. Bernard’s School
Good News in Education
Thank you for your interest in St. Bernard’s School. Our Catholic elementary school is a pre-kindergarten through fifth grade school in the Diocese of Ogdensburg. We welcome students of all faiths who seek a loving and nurturing environment.
I look forward to meeting you and speaking personally with you about St. Bernard’s School’s educational program. To schedule a visit or request more information, please contact me at 518-891-2830 or kilbourne-hill@stbernardsschool.org.
On behalf of our teachers and families here at St. Bernard’s School, we look forward to working with you and welcoming you to our community.
Andrea Kilbourne-Hill, Principal
A Happy, Wholesome Environment
All children coming from all faith traditions (or none) are welcome to attend St. Bernard’s, but our Catholic identity is an integral part of daily life and learning here. It is the reason our school exists, and we are committed to forming caring children whose good values will transform our community and our world.